
The client, a major bank in India, sought automation for managing a high volume of HR queries from its large employee base. The aim was to free up the in-house call center team from repetitive tasks and allow them to focus on more complex issues.

An AI-enhanced chatbot was implemented as the solution, providing 24/7 HR support and efficiently handling routine questions. This resulted in increased productivity, reduced manual work, improved query management, and provided continuous support to the HR team.

Story of the Customer

The customer is a leading financial institution in India, providing a broad range of banking and financial services to a vast customer base. With over 50,000 employees, the institution was overwhelmed by the volume of HR-related queries, which highlighted the need for an automated solution.

In search of a solution, the client envisioned a 24/7 automated system capable of handling routine queries, which would free up their call center staff to address more complex issues. The need to manage the high volume of queries and efficiently escalate the complex ones prompted the bank to seek an innovative solution.

The Challenge

  • The client struggled with the high volume of HR-related queries from their large employee base.
  • They needed a system to efficiently escalate complex queries to human agents.
  • The client faced difficulty in improving responses and identifying knowledge gaps over time.

The Solution

  • A user-friendly chatbot was implemented, providing 24/7 HR support with voice and text inputs.
  • The AI-enhanced bot identified and filled knowledge gaps, reducing manual intervention and increasing productivity.
  • The bot efficiently handled routine questions, freeing staff for complex queries and reducing cost per contact.

The Result

  • The SRIA chatbot provided 24/7 HR support, freeing call center staff for complex queries.
  • Reduced manual intervention increased personnel productivity and minimized cost per contact.
  • The bot's continuous learning optimized the channel experience and improved service quality.